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Most people never learn how to let go. They hold on to things that are long gone, memories that no longer serve them, grudges they can’t forget. They get stuck in the past, unable to move forward.

But learning how to let go is essential for moving on with your life. It’s the key to happiness and peace of mind. It allows you to move on from your mistakes and forgive others their trespasses against you. It clears the way for new beginnings.

So how do you learn to let go? It’s not easy, but it can be done. Here are four steps that will help you start the process.

Recognize that you need to let go

Let it go

One of the hardest things in life is recognizing that you need to let go of something. Whether it’s a person, a situation or an object, admitting that something no longer serves you can be incredibly painful.

However, it is important to remember that letting go does not mean forgetting. It simply means moving on. When you let go, you make room for new experiences and opportunities. You also give yourself the freedom to focus on the present moment. So the next time you find yourself holding on to something that no longer serves you, take a deep breath and let it go.

Identify what you are sticking to

Young woman practicing yoga outdoors. Spiritual harmony, introspection and well-being concept

As we go through life, we accumulate many things. Some of these things are essential for survival, such as our clothes and our home. Other things are important to us for sentimental reasons, such as family heirlooms or childhood memories.

And still other things we hold on to because we are afraid to let go of them, even though they no longer serve any purpose in our lives. If you find yourself holding on to something you don’t need or don’t want, ask yourself why. What is it about this thing that you are afraid of losing? Once you know what you are really holding on to, you can begin to let go of the things that no longer serve you

Let go of the past

Side vie of man walking past trees across golf course at twilight, pulling golf trolley.

One of the most common things people cling to is the past. They cling to good and bad memories and let those define who they are. But clinging to the past prevents you from living in the present and planning for the future.

To let go of the past, you have to forgive yourself your mistakes and forgive others their mistakes. Then you can move on.

Make a plan for the future

African american employee planning project with laptop and paperwork

It is easy to dwell on the past, especially if it is something we are not proud of. Maybe we made a mistake at work, or said something we regret. Either way, dwelling on the past can prevent us from moving forward. Instead of beating yourself up over something you can’t change, let go of the past and focus on the present.

Forgive yourself your mistakes and learn from them. That way you can move forward with your life and reach your full potential. Letting go of the past can be difficult, but it is essential for a happy and productive life.


Learning to let go is an essential life skill. It is the key to happiness and peace of mind. It enables you to leave your mistakes behind and forgive others their transgressions. It paves the way for new beginnings.

So if you find yourself holding on to something that no longer serves you, take a deep breath and let it go. It’s not easy, but it can be done. And once you learn how to let go, you can enjoy the present moment and focus on the future.

Thanks for reading! I hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.

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Picture of Uriël Sabajo

Uriël Sabajo

My name is Uriel Sabajo and I am a spiritual healer with indigenous roots and a strong belief in Shamanism. Spiritual healing is a familiar concept to me.